We sat down (over email) with Jayde Halford, the owner of @_heartchocolate, to find out what the inspiration and challenges are of owning your own business. We hope you enjoy the below!
Please describe your business & its offerings
Heart Chocolate is a bakers chocolate, creative genius and a chocolate brownie queen. Hand crafted chocolate company. each truffle, brownie or sweet treat gets hand made and carefully thought out to customize it for every person indulging in our brand. We offer hand made chocolate truffles and chocolate brownies! Only the finest. These decadent chocolates are perfect for gifting, party favors, event sweet platters, corporate events and parties.
What inspired you to start your own business and how did you come up with the idea?
As a little girl I always loved chocolate, an absolute chocoholic to date. My inspiration started in my grandmother's kitchen; the best baker ever, taught me everything I need to know about creating wholesome yummy treats. When my daughter turned 2, I was retrenched and decided this was my perfect opportunity to take the leap of faith and start.
Can you tell us some of your biggest challenges you have faced as an entrepreneur?
My biggest challenge was when covid hit, at that point I just about started noticing a hype around my brand, finally got my SA barcode for my first product called the OG truffle, my skill to develop my own recipe, self taught was huge and has taken me years to discover, so I was not prepared to give up. I put alot more time into growing it. I landed a great opportunity to outsource my product to Rosmead Spar but then covid hit and unfortunately that fell through. With lots of perseverance and hard work I didn't give up so I decided to keep pushing, at this point Instagram became the new hype and keeping up with the trend, the Instagram platform was the fast pace new space to grow your business.
What role has your local community played the growth and success of your business?
I love how chocolate "never gets old" the local community keeps our "doors" open. Every single sale has a contributing factor and I'm so grateful.
What advice would you give other women who are considering starting their own business?
Advice? Uh, well! I would say S T A R T. There is no other way, no better time than now.. Don't wait to be ready or until you have all your ducks in a row, you will never have it all together. Get out that book and pen, get that vision down, keep it infront of you and keep moving.
Some fun facts:
Some fun facts:
1. What is your go-to snack?
Chocolate, duh!
2. What gets you out of bed in the morning?
Chocolate LOL just kidding, my babies!
3. What is your favourite product from In The Box?
Definitely the truffle box!
Stand a chance to win this delicious box of handmade truffles by the talented @_heartchocolate in our Women's Month Instagram competition launching later this month! Follow us on Instagram now to be notified: @inthebox_za

More of Jayde's beautiful work above! Contact her directly to order for your next event via @_heartchocolate on Instagram!